The Quest Board
Quest: The First Steps
Posted: 14th of July, 2024
Reward: 5 CPThe journey has begun.
Although im not entirely sure excatly what will go on here, I do have some plans for what is comming up. The first steps have happened but the journey has only just begun
So weary Traveler, Whats next.
You have made your way into my tavern and for that I thank you. You may rest and recover from your personal quest as I invite you on an adventure, fear not though for there are no dragons to slay, at least not yet. This adventure is simple and one you have already begun, join me as I take the next steps. This tavern is new and need lots of work, so all I ask that you come back every now and then for a visit and see how things have changed.
As for the Tavern Keep.
I have had some time to think about what I want to spend my time on over the last few weeks, and I have started to revisit old hobbies. This tavern is one of them and I am so excited to finally finish the basics, I am taking it slow and not really setting any rules for myself, this whole place could change overnight, for now it is a tavern but tomorrow it might be a shop, I am doing this for fun and as a way to express myself so I feel like if I set a rigid set of rules that expression will be limited.
I am still deciding excatly how things should be arranged but for now I want to focus on completing the shared quest (as it is the most important to me) and then maybe I will work on the welcoming feeling of the tavern, I want guests of all shapes and sizes to feel welcome and that means reworking the layout so that every person (and every device) is welcome
Quest: New Beginnings
Posted: 10th of July, 2024
Reward: 15 CPGreetings, Adventurer! Welcome to the Job Board.
This is where I'll be sharing my musings, updates on what I'm up to, and more. Consider these posts as quests—adventures in words and ideas.
Inaugural Post: The Dragon's Respite Tavern
This tavern you've stumbled upon began at the behest of someone dear to my heart. Though its construction is far from finished, I've grown to cherish the process. There's a certain joy in shaping something from nothing, and here, away from the constant glare of traditional social media, I find the freedom to express myself fully.
Future Plans: Building on Dreams
In the days ahead, I'll be fleshing out the basic functions of this tavern and adding more interactive elements. Whether you're weary from your travels or simply seeking respite, I invite you to sit, relax, and join me on this journey into the unknown.
Expect frequent updates as this tavern evolves and finds its place in the world. Together, let's embark on this adventure, where every corner holds a new story waiting to be told.